GTM Challenges

Every PortCo have the same problems in their own unique ways

As you look at performance across your portfolio, you are bound to find disappointing companies. Why are they not growing faster? Usually the answer is in their RevOps data but getting it out of that company’s tech stack is difficult. And once you have it, you realize that it is incomplete and messy. 

When you finally get the analysis, you find that the definitions are not the same as your other companies. GTM Suite changes all of that.

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Value Creation

Revenue growth accounted for over 50% of value

According to a study*, in the last 10 years, revenue increase has accounted for 50% of the value of creation in PE-owned firms. Make sure your firm has its own proven GTM Playbook, that quickly identifies the areas each PortCo is challenged in. Then management and your growth team can devise a strategy to transform those areas. Nothing else within your control has a greater impact on the eventual return on your investments.

* Bain Global Private Equity Report 2024

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PE Operations

Apples-to-Apples view across your portfolio

Once deployed, GTM suite gives you a true “Apples-to-Apples” view into all your PortCos with up-to-date insights, and the ability to monitor the progress of various initiatives in real-time, instead of waiting for the end of the quarter, or fiscal year, and risk being disappointed.

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